The centre of biotechnologies of the A.O.R.N. “ A. Cardarelli”, performs activities of research for public and private subjects. The third party activities is progressively increased in the years: today the centre of biotechnologies, can offers a wide range of “products”, and thanks to its structures and know how, it forms an excellent support for researchers and firms, which have the need of outsource parts of research and innovation.
- Develop and validation of innovative and therapeutic clinical strategies, for the cure and the prevention of human pathologies;
- Planning of innovative process (methodology, devices and equipment) in the biomedical sector, and in the molecular diagnostics;
- Develop of molecular therapeutics for inflammatory pathologies, neoplastic, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative;
- Develop of cellular models and animals for the study of human pathology;
- Develop of products and innovative processes of industrial interest for the health of the man, based on the cell factories strategies as well
- applied research activity;
- clinical activities in veterinary;
- creation of animal models of pathology;
- promotion for the use of models and experimental methodologies;
- ethical evaluation for animal experimentation projects;
- bibliographic study consultancy activities;
- opinions on project activities;
- feasibility activities;
- technical and scientific assistance;
- coordination activities;
- training, design and organization activities, and execution of courses and seminars;
- predisposition of teaching and multimedia material;
- identification of funding opportunities;
- access to available funding;
- preparation of the application of facilitation;
- coordination of the project;
- scientific and financial reporting.
The procedures for the activation of the service, provide that the client propose the conferment of an assignment, or the commitment of a service, or, of a research, through a convention which establish terms and mode of the cooperation. Moreover, the commitment can directly accede at the routine activity, thanks a simple request, and considering the regulation and the approved tariffs. In consideration of the performance goals, others professional figures, structured to Cardarelli, can accede to the centre of biotechnologies.
Centro di Biotecnologie A.O.R.N. “A. Cardarelli”
Via Cardarelli, 9 / 80131-Napoli
Tel/Fax: 081 7473433-2158
Progetti di ricerca
Fondazione Pascale
I.I.T. Istituto Italiano Tecnologia
CRIB Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale sui Biomateriali
Università di Roma la Sapienza
Azienda X
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