Projects fullfilled |
The A.O.R.N. “A. Cardarelli” carries out international cooperation activities since 2001, co-operating with the Centre of Biotechnology, that is in charge of promotion, planning, analysing and logistically organising educational events realized in partnership with extra-European countries. The principle for all the Centre’s international collaboration projects is the “Training of the Trainers”: the word “Trainers” identifies the operators involved in teaching, monitoring and coordination, as well as the professionals committed in educational dissemination on the territory.
This format envisages the integration between phases of work on the job – held at the Biotechnology Centre (Italy) and, depending on economic resources and safety evaluation, in the “mirror” centers abroad – with phases of distance learning. This remote education is available through an e-learning platform, that offers the chance to extend the know-how and the information exchange, going beyond project’s restriction.
There is a wide range of disciplines between which it is possible to choose, not only within the clinical, surgical and microsurgical sector, but also about management and health engineering.
The education provided is, from time to time, customised according to the special needs of the context and it considers the interests and the intents emerged during education, research and clinical-surgical activities.
The first international collaboration realised by “A. Cardarelli” Hospital and the Biotechnology Centre was the Scientific Collaboration for Medical-Surgical Disciplines and Health Economics with Charles Nicolle Hospital of Tunis, started in 2004. The project, approved and financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs concluded in June 30th 2007, prepared the ground for a productive and regular collaboration between the staff of “A. Cardarelli” and Charles Nicolle Hospital, realising the ambitious purpose of enhancing two organisations competence and supporting the integration and collaboration among the Mediterranean countries.

Projects in progress |