Surgical Education applied to new technologies
Surgical Education applied to new technologies | 29/09/2014 - 03/10/2014 |
In the last 20 years, minimally invasive surgery represented a revolution in the field of surgery and this change has been possible thanks to the enhancement and technological evolution of a complex and specific instrumentation.
If on the one hand, research stimulated the execution of more advanced laparoscopic procedures, on the other hand has been established the idea that the surgeon has to acquire a technical skill through a specific learning curve that use the most modern technological systems for the achievement of the individual performance.
Halsted’s traditional principles about surgical training are now obsolete by the needing of an educational system that has to develop the knowledge of special relation and of manual maneuvers headed for manipulation of tissues and equipments through a bi and tridimensional video system.
Today MIS requires the needing of a training, virtual as well, capable of the achievement of a cognitive and psychomotor ability, rather that and educational program based on the acquisition or communication of specific knowledge.
The experience matured in the field of aeronautic training for pilots ‘ improvement of dexterity and performances, has been used in minimally invasive surgery thanks to the development of simulation systems on in-vivo models, on inanimate trainers or most recently on virtual models; the sector allowed the development of simulation systems with different levels of complexity that permits the execution of surgical procedures and so reproducibility in humans.
Surgical education in laparoscopic era uses of a great variety of teaching and learning methods more pertinent to new surgical techniques and, as showed by several studies, is necessary for new generation to guarantee a certified educational path. Surgical art can’t be faced like in the past, but deserves a dimension fitted on today, made not only by theoretical knowledge, but also by practical experience acquired through simulation and experimental surgery on in-vivo and/or virtual models.
These are the scientific prerequisites for which is necessary facing in a systemic way and through a didactic program the education in a delicate field where competence and ability are indispensable for patients ‘ safety.
The School intends to face specific education on minimally invasive surgery through a didactic program that, in addition to theoretical knowledge of basic and advanced laparoscopic procedures, allows the trainee to acquire technical ability and a learning curve of the procedures themselves both with in-vivo models and with inanimate systems. Is expected to complete the matured experimental experience through her/his participation in the operating room.
The trainee will perform in first person surgical procedures projected, acquiring ability and competence, dealing with technological innovations in terms of surgical instrumentations and devices.
Didactics and program
The School is structured in 100 hours of theoretical-practical didactic divided in three sessions:
1st session: it will be held at Università di Tor Vergata – Rome from 7th to 11th April 2014 and it will include 16 hours of theoretical activity and 24 hours of experimental practice on simulators.
2nd session: 40 hours of experimental practical activity at the Centre of Biotechnologies of Hospital “A. Cardarelli” of Naples.
3rd session: it will be held at Università Tor Vergata – Rome and it will include 12 hours of practical activity with active participation in the operating room in the national Centri di Riferimento directed by teachers of the School and 8 hours in conference room for interactive discussion, final test, dissertation presented by the trainee, final exam and diploma.
The theoretical activity will be held in the headquarter of the School with teachers in the room or through Distance Education (FAD) with skilled national and international teachers.
For practical activity, the choice of surgical centres for the participation in the operating room will take according the residence of each trainee.
Addressee of the School
The School expects the enrolment of a maximum of 20 trainees, specialized in general surgery and digestive system surgery. The enrolment is open to national and international doctors, reserving to the international ones up to 20%of the places.
Two places are reserved to interns in general surgery and digestive system surgery, whose enrolment fee will be in charge of the School.
The trainee will access to the final evaluation only attending at least 80% of the global hours expected by the didactic plan.
Teachers Board
G. Amicucci, A. Arezzo, A. Balani, A. Barbarisi, G. Belli, L. Boni, F. Corcione, G. Dapri, G. De Toma, N. Di Martino, A. Forgione, A.L.Gaspari, G. Gulotta, G. La Greca, G. Lo Grieco, P. Maida, M. Meinero, M.Morino, G. Navarra, A.Paganini, G. Petrella, M.Piccoli, A. Pietrabissa, A. Saggio, J. Schiappa, G. Silecchia, PP.Sileri, S. Testa, A. Valeri.
Didactic and scientific secretariat
Dr. Valentina Randazzo, Dr. Saverio Latteri – UOC of General Surgery, A.O. Cannizzaro Catania
Dr. Luana Franceschilli, Dr. Valeria Tognoni, Dott. Emanuele Picone, General Surgery, Università Tor Vergata of Rome
Jessica D’Ettore
for Etna Congressi s.r.l.
Piazza Duca di Genova,18
95131 – Catania
Tel. 095 313232
Fax 095 2500789
Mobile 347 9641683
Enrollment fee and payment method
The enrollment expects the payment of an amount of € 2.000 with VAT and it will be paid to the Secretariat of the School; the amount includes educational material and the diploma.
ECM Credits
The School has been licensed with 50 educational credits.
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