Perspectives in Skull Base Surgery. Microscopic and Endoscopic Hands-on Course
03/11/2014 - 04/11/2014
Perspectives in Skull Base Surgery
Microscopic and Endoscopic
Hands-on Course
Educational Objectives
This course is intended for surgeons who want to acquire knowledge
and experience in skull base surgery either with the endoscopic endonasal
and microsurgical transcranial techniques. Main skull base
regions will be analyzed, the anatomy and surgical access routes will be
detailed from endoscopic and microscopic standpoints – via different
approaches – in order to provide a 360 degrees overview of the main
neurovascular structures along the skull base surface.
Lectures and hands-on laboratory facilities will be provided.
At the conclusion of the course, the participants should understand
the indications, the advantages and limitations of the different
perspectives over the skull base offered by both the endonasal
and the transcranial techniques.
For information please contact
Dr. Caterina Andriani
p/f +39 081 5469372 m +39 338 6770454
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