Diagnostics and Interventional Pneumology in the adult and child

Diagnostics and Interventional Pneumology in the adult and child 11/06/2014 - 13/06/2014

Naples, 11-13 June 2014


Diagnostics and Interventional Pneumology in the adult and child.

The term “interventional pneumology”, that is nowadays used by all national and international Pneumological Scientific Societies, refers to all methods in diagnostics and therapeutic endoscopy in the adult and child that are used in almost all the respiratory pathologies such as lung cancer, peripherical lung injuries, lung diseases, the infective lung pathologies. These methods need an adequate learning made of ability, experience and lifelong training in order to increase knowledges and capabilities in bronchoscopic techniques for pneumologists and other specializations.
The course provides a complete theoretical education about all the diagnostics and therapeutical aspects in interventional pneumology. It will allow a “live” approach (the only course in Italy) that will be held at the Centre of Biotechnologies of Hospital Cardarelli.

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