Basic Course – Plastic Surgery
13/06/2014 - 18/06/2014
TUESDAY, JUNE 3rd - 09.00—13.00
Optical means and instruments, ergonomy of the surgical gesture
Practical knowledge of the Microscope
Micro point: technical notes
Training on gauze and silicone
MONDAY, JUNE 9th - 09.00—13.00
T-T anastomosis: technical notes
Training on ex-vivo
MONDAY, JUNE 16th - 09.00—13.00
T-T anastomosis: technical notes
Training on ex-vivo
T-L Anastomosis
TUESDAY, June 17th - 09.00—13.00
Dissection vascular femoral bundle
Vascular arterial Anastomosis and venous femoral
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18th 09.00—13.00
Dissection of neck vascular bundle
Vascular arterial Anastomosis and venous of neck’s vessels
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